SD Formatter 3.1

   Software | 19 March 2013

The SD Formatter was created specifically for memory cards using the SD/SDHC/SDXC standards. It is strongly recommended to use the SD Formatter instead of formatting utilities provided with operating systems that format various types of storage media. Using generic formatting utilities may result in less than optimal performance for your memory cards.

Aplikasi SD Formatter dapat membantu menghapus dan mengembalikan partisi memory yang dibuat oleh aplikasi lain.

Hati hati mengunakan SD Format , pastikan nama drive yang akan di format

The SD/SDHC/SDXC memory cards have a "Protected Area" on the card for the SD standard's security function. The SD Formatter does not format the "Protected Area". Please use appropriate application software or SD-compatible device that provides SD security function to format the "Protected Area" in the memory card.

System Requirements

Operating Systems:

Sebelum mengunakan SD Formatter 3.1, untuk SDXC bisa mendownload pacth software dari Microsoft (KB955704)

Windows Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows XP
Windows 7
Windows Vista (SP1 or later)
Windows XP (SP2 or later) with the exFAT file system update (KB955704)
Mac Mac OS X(v10.7 Lion)
Mac OS X(v10.6 Snow Leopard)
Mac OS X(v10.5 Leopard for Intel Mac)
Mac OS X (v10.7 Lion)
Mac OS X (v10.6.5 Snow Leopard or later) with the exFAT file system update

SD Interface Devices

The following interface devices can be used to access SD/SDHC/SDXC memory cards:

    SD slot on computer
    USB SD reader
    PC Card, CardBus or ExpressCard SD adapter

Informasi file untuk download ada dibagian paling bawah dari link dibawah. Tersedia SD Formatter untuk Windows dan Mac

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