OMGVflash dan NVflashk buka proteksi Nvidia GeForce di overclock tanpa batas

   Software | 22 August 2023

Modder merilis 2 software untuk GPU overclock khusus VGA Nvidia.

OMGVflash dan NVflashk efektif membuka keamanan GPU Nvidia.

Memungkinkan penguna GPU Nvidia meningkatkan VGA sampai bekerja ekstrem dengan modifikasi flash vBIOS Nvidia.

Sekitar 10 tahun lalu, Nvidia mengunci GPU dengan pengaturan vBIOS.

Membuat VGA Nvidia bekerja sesuai spesifikasi.
Misal pembatasan pemakaian power, clock speed maksimum, dan parameter GPU bila kepanasan / overheating dan melakukan auto shutdown.

Sebelum generasi Nvidia 900, modder overclocker melakukan flash ke vBIOS.
Agar kinerja GPU bekerja lebih maksimal.

Disana Nvidia mulai mengunci vBIOS agar tidak sembarangan di kebut.

OMGVflash dan NVflashk dikembangkan tim forum PowerUp.
Mereka mengatakan telah memeriksa kode binner, dan memastikan tidak masalah alias programnya bersih.

Dari sisi produsen sering kita lihat beberapa model VGA dijual versi Overclock dengan harga sedikit lebih mahal.

Salah satu perbedaan dari GPU standar dan Overclock tentu di set dari vBIOS.
Tentu berbeda antara VGA standar vs VGA OC, dari sisi chip, board, dan pendingin.

Dengan software tersebut, penguna dapat memflash VGA Nvidia antar merek atau model berbeda.
Tentu saja bukan kita yang ingin melakukan Flash BIOS VGA, urusan oprek vBIOS berdampak membatalkan garansi resmi, bahkan dapat merusak VGA.

Kembali dengan 2 software OMGVflash dan NVflashk.

VGA Nvidia GeForce seri RTX 20xx atau generasi sebelumnya.

Atau dapat di flash silang misal seperti kemampuan power RTX 30 atau RTX 40.

Turing (RTX 2xxx Series) down to Geforce GPUs have full crossflash ability now.
SubSystem Vendor to Vendor crossflash ability, as long as power headers are identical (Bellow 2000 series, it adapts on 3000-4000 series) & as long as no custom i²c or voltage controller modifications exist (3000+ series)
 sage of this version without a ring-back server check & without a minimum-req version check
Ability to downgrade InfoROM & XUSB FW to remove SW EEPROM lockdown // mostly a thing between different EEPROMs like ISSI or for situations with dGPU's on Laptops or similar
As long as 32-bit & 8-bit checksum on usermod is correct, biosmod flash and bypass FE / VendorCert / XOC Cert / MasterCert ~ golden card system. Basically flash what you desire, as long as EEPROM size can take it.
Use the patched version to talk with Falcon , in case Developer knows how to contact it & utilize Nvidia™ powrprof.dll + MUTEX // example to build AIB Control tools, like GALAX NVVDD Tool
Basically created the foundation required to build future projects, ontop with cool features grated to MUTEX access

Dapat memflash model GeForce apapun lebih bebas.

GPU PCI Device ID (GPU chip, i.e. 2xxx/3xxx/4xxx) - You'll see this if you try flashing across series
PCI Subsystem ID (PCB ID) - You'll see this for any non-standard vBIOS
Board ID (PCB+GPU ID) - You'll usually see this on XOC bios or where the GPU was revised but the PCB remained the same (i.e. 1.07v 4090 revision)
Hierarchy (Unknown, potentially Lovelace/Turing/etc) - Dunno when you see this
A couple other minor items that appear to just be software-defined metadata

VGA yang sudah diuji dibuka

Geforce RTX 4090 STRIX XOC 1.1v BIOS flashed to 4090 TUF OC card with 1.07v (4090 voltage fix confirmed!)
Geforce RTX 4080 flashed from 1.095v to original 1.11v BIOS (4080 voltage fix confirmed!)
Geforce RTX 4090 Founders Edition BIOS flashed to 4090 TUF OC card (this was supposed to be impossible due to 'different bios chips')
Geforce RTX 3070 STRIX BIOS flashed to 3070 Founders Edition (Flashing AIB to FE 3xxx series confirmed!)
Geforce RTX 4090 STRIX XOC BIOS to 4090 Founders Edition (Flashing AIB to FE 4xxx series confirmed!) - Solar Bay HOF result from doing this.

Flash vBIOS Nvidia GeForce

Software ini hanya untuk informasi, untuk modifikasi GPU Nvidia dari system internal vBIOS.

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