Lightroom Classic CC 2024 13.4.0 Juni 2024 Update

   Software | 25 June 2024

Lightroom software editing foto.

Tidak terbatas edit foto smartphone JPG, sampai kelas RAW File dari camera DSLR

Salah satu software editing di kalangan pemula sampai profesional, baik di computer desktop, notebook dan tersedia untuk smartphone.

Adobe meluncurkan Lightroom Classic CC dan Lightroom CC, tersedia untuk Windows 64bit, dan aplikasi Smartphone.

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Lightroom CC Classic 2024 New Feature

Bagi penguna Lightroom, pastikan membackup setting Library file foto sebelum melakukan upgrade ke versi baru. Update Lightroom membutuhkan login via Internet. Lightroom 12 upgrade file Lrcat dari Lightroom versi sebelumnya.

Lightroom Classic setelah rilis Oktober 2022 atau lebih tinggi, bekerja dengan Windows 10, internal GPU dan procesor lama. Beberapa opsi baru dibutuhkan GPU atau iGPU, seperti OpenGL terbaru.

Lightroom Classic CC 2024 13.4.0 Juni 2024
The Set Tracklog Time Offset shows the incorrect starting time for tracklogs
Keywords are syncing once we save XMP
Localization errors and inconsistencies in Help for keyboard shortcuts in LR 13.3 in Heal
The smart-collection operator "is empty" doesn't work for Alt Text and Extended Description
Comments icon in image grid view is not disappearing when there are no likes/comments
Can't know when the comment/like was made in the comments section of a shared album
Tone curve settings are not carried over after applying a preset
Lens blur doesn't get applied on all images when using Auto-Sync Settings
Zooming in on an image with Lens Blur changes the rendition
Deletion of GPS co-ordinates doesn't sync from/to Lr Classic
Juni Adobe merilis 2 kali update, kemungkinan masih ada bug lain. Bila tidak memerlukan perbaikan yang ada, sebaiknya menunda update.

Lightroom Classic CC 2024 13.3.0 Mei 2024
! Local adjustment presets saved with default tone curves don't reset non-default tone curves
Mask local adjustment preset menu doesn't recognize changes to Point Color
Evaluate preview and final negative loading with their availability in the cache
Lightroom loading the color scheme of a photo rather than the photo itself
Metadata filter does not refresh once an image is roundtripped from Photoshop
Flag doesn't save to XMP if XMP Pick is missing from file metadata
Exporting DNG (from Merge) as a new DNG Compatibility set to 14.0 creates a damaged file
! Allocating GPS-Position isn't working
Accessibility fields not supported in text-based filters
Published folders renamed don't rename in Finder on macOS Ventura 13.0.1
Cycle Upright Mode shortcut is placed in the wrong section of Help > Develop Mode Shortcuts
Local Adjustment Presets name isn't used in history steps
TAT in Color Mixer adjusts bands 2-colors off from hovered-over color (HDR Mode)
SDK: photo:applyDevelopPreset(preset) can lockup Lightroom Classic with AI Settings
LAB values don't reflect image colors from Selective Adjustments to Monochrome images

Lightroom Classic CC 2024 13.2.0 Februari 2024
Select the Spot Removal tool and Flag photo as a pick has the wrong shortcuts
setAttributes() fails to change the case of the keyword's name
Video in any published collection results in an internal error
Incorrect localization of Ctrl, Cmd, and Opt for some commands in all languages
Watermark Editor - Text Based - Font Italic and Bold Italic do not apply
Plugins can't set the selection of simple_list() controls on Mac
Help for Library and Develop shortcuts in German shows Shift instead of Umschalt
White point not adjustable in Tone curve
Keywording panel sorts keywords incorrectly
Metadata customize option showing Debug Capture Time
Accessibility field support needs to be added in the SDK 
Accessibility fields - The SDK guide needs to be updated
Keywords with Include on export unchecked are still being uploaded to Stock
Error in message when creating a smart preview

Lightroom Classic CC 2023 13.1.0 Desember 2023
Compare View on a second monitor shows no image on Zoom
Lightroom Classic 13.0 histogram is much darker than Lightroom Classic 12.5
"Built-in Lens Profile applied" isn't always displayed for embedded lens profiles
In Lightroom Classic 13.0, Export post-process plugins don't run with a Publish plugin
Lens Blur's Focal Range histogram doesn't update when Use Device Map is toggled
A Thin line at the bottom of the histogram makes it impossible to know the real distribution of the pixels
Tips of point color dropper is wrong
Wrong keyboard shortcuts displayed for Depth Range in Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese
The original file is deleted when trying to export in the original folder using the original name
photo:applyDevelopSettings() truncates the HDR region of tone curves
Point Color HSL individual ranges can't be reset by using the text
Wrong keyboard shortcut is shown for Create a virtual copy in Japanese
Point Color doesn't clear when syncing or copy-pasting
Intersection in history is called Subtract
Missing Translations in Polish
In Windows, Color Swatch does not sample from a reference image in the reference view
IPTC metadata templates need to be updated to support the new accessibility properties
In Japanese, "Select the Spot Removal tool" and "Flag photo as a pick" shows the wrong shortcut
Lightroom Classic Crashing when creating a mask
Lightroom Classic Catalog Upgrade issue
RGB Info numbers don't update when using the mouse wheel to pan
Image Export always uses GPU even when the preference is unset
Suggest moving "Learn More" from Enhance Preview to under the Denoise section
The slideshow caption isn't displayed correctly while navigating through the film strip
The Slideshow doesn't show the correct file name as text
Soft Proofing before cropping can result in a blank work area
The Map module doesn't load

Lightroom Classic CC 2023 13.0.2 November 2023
Perbaikan - Unable to advance to the next photo

Lightroom Classic CC 2023 13.0.1 Oktober 2023
Fitur baru
- Bokeh / Lens Blur
- HDR foto,  Lightroom plus Adobe Camera Raw
- Point Color, merubah warna pada objek.
Non Fix Bug not finish until next version, Button +/- keyboard

Salah satu fitur Lightroom, membuat foto bokeh tanpa lensa khusus.

Inconsistent counts in the Metadata browser for directly assigned keywords containing children
Enter/Return key is used inconsistently in Polish help and tooltips for keyboard shortcuts
Lightroom Classic 12.5 shows a patch on healed areas from Lightroom Web
Lightroom Classic can't tether to Nikon Z9 with new firmware 4.0
Typo in the documentation of the photo:getDevelopSettings().orientation
In the first Export of the session - The watermark color of the first image isn't correct
Local Adjustment Presets: Color and Exposure don't have any settings
Windows 11 system info shows OS as Win 10
Application intermittently fails to restart after Catalog Optimisation, Open Catalog or create New Catalog  
Auto Sync copies previous crop from before AutoSync was enabled
Library Filter (Shutter Speed and Aperture) Arrow key doesn't work
photo:getFormattedMetadata ("trimmedDuration") is undocumented in SDK API Reference
SDK: API reference for catalog:findPhoto - file-format missing AVIF, JXL, and PSB
JXL and AVIF aren't available in smart collections or the Metadata panel
Editing smart collection "Aperture is greater than f / 1.0" fails to display "f / 1.0"
Create Collection uses the wrong collection set when filtering in the Collections panel
The photo resets mysteriously due to a step or action
Crashes while tethering on Apple Silicon Macs without Rosetta2

Lightroom Classic CC 2023 v12.2.1  March 2023
Fix Minor
Lightroom Classic fails to sync since 12.2 update (Windows Only)

Lightroom Classic CC 2023 v12.2.0 Feb 2023
In People mask, All People mask does not show options other than Entire Person
Collection count is not updated when they are filtered
Confirming a name suggested by face recognition breaks the current Keyword column in the Metadata browser
Smart Collection settings revert when choosing Pick Flags
Keyword separated with "/" and "." separator/delimiter are not treated as hierarchical keywords
Watermarks do not anchor correctly when Zoom to Fill is selected
Incorrect Help for "Apply Subject and Sky masks in batch edit"
Crash with error: method not found: ViewAttribute
Ventura | Direct import from iPhone add the photos into the wrong folder
Review translation of "Enhance" and "Refine"
Zoom in shortcut not working on the secondary monitor
Images with keyword disappears after edit in photoshop
P: SDK: waitForRender() returnes error in "Publish"  (regression)
Fail to initialise pixel mask storage error
Keyword List Shortcut Indicator missing from Keyword List
12.0 & 12.1 are treating 32-bit tiff files differently on Win

V12.0.0.13 update pertama
Seamlessy remove, via Contant-Aware Remove
Automatic select people, object, background melalui Masking Panel

Note !!, V12 will upgrade old Lightroom Catalog.lrcat file    File transfer from Lightroom Classic 11.4.1 to Photoshop on Mac prompts users to update to camera raw 11.4.1 even though it's available only for Windows
SCR dialog is shown for unused GPU card drivers
Shortcuts for Rotate Left and Right in Norwegian don't work
Flat Field Correction creates DNG without correction
Export: After Export: Fails if Path contains Parens
Export multiple video files stalls
SDK documentation incorrectly referencing LrCatalog:getCollections
The keyboard shortcut assignments for five commands in Swedish have unambiguous typos
Windows Help for keyboard shortcuts in Russian and Thai uses Command/Option instead of Control/Alt
Remove Keyword (Loupe) behaves differently than Add Keyword with multiple photos selected
Increase Slider Value and Select Previous Basic Panel Slider are both assigned to Japanese comma
The Shortcut Rotate Left and Right not working and is similar to some shortcuts of Masking    
The shortcuts in Library and Develop shortcut page don't match with really keys in the menu bar
Progress Bar isn't showing any progress when exported from the "All Photographs" section
The keyboard shortcut for Full Screen Preview in Norwegian is incorrect
Wrong keyboard shortcut was assigned to Library Loupe Zoom Out in Japanese
French translation of the titles of the presets causes non-alphabetic display
In Spanish and Swedish, Shift + R assigned both to Open In Reference View and to Constrain Aspect Ratio
In Spanish, French, and Swedish, Shift + S assigned to both Before Only and Destination Gamut Warning
In Japanese, Shift + Q assigned both to Create Luminance Range and to Constrain Aspect Ratio
SDK: preset:getSetting doesn't work on develop presets missing ProcessVersion
Incorrect description for LrFileUtils.createAllDirectories return value
Comma assigned to both Show Filter Bar and Decrease Rating in Norwegian
Ctrl + Y assigned to both Create Virtual Copy and Redo in Japanese Windows LR
Cmd + W assigned to Preferences for German / Mac, doesn't work
SOFTWARE_NX_FAULT crash in MediaCore_init_L
Preset column not expanding in export dialog on export window resize
Image not exporting with graphic watermark in Lightroom Classic 11.5 on Mac "watermark failed" or image gets exported without watermark pops up
Absolute File Path doesn't show renamed file names

Lightroom Classic CC 2021 10.3  (Juni 2021)
Update Fix
Unexpected error occurs while opening Lightroom Classic catalog. Folder rename after import causes Lightroom Classic to lose photos till restart.
Padlock symbol shows unlocked when Crop Lock Icon is locked.
Export to Apple Mail fails.
Tether does not work for Canon cameras on macOS 10.15If the ISO-Adaptive Preset box is checked, the Color Grading of the preset is not applied
[Windows] Lightroom Classic crashes in a slideshow on adding audio.Pasting settings from previous photo results in cropped images.

Fitur baru
Super Resolution, Tethered Live View for Nikon, Premium Presets

Lightroom Classic CC 2020 10.2  (Maret 2021)
Update Fix
Filmstrip dan grid untuk Mac
Batch Editing
Tethered Live View untuk Nikon (beta)
Edit layer ke Photoshop
White Balance telah diperbaiki

Lightroom Classic CC 2020 (Feb2020)

Update - Need internet Connection, Login, trail 1 minggu
    Face tagging suggestions appear twice and incorrect entries are not removed.
    Lightroom Classic preset preview does not respect image orientation.
    Fixed preset preview issues.
    IPTC Extension collapsible fields (Location Shown, Location Created) do not retain data.
    Done option in the Export dialog added to remember updated settings without requiring an export action

Choose monitor for secondary window
With this release, there is an option to select a monitor for the secondary display when multiple monitors are available. To choose a monitor for the secondary window, do the following: In Lightroom Classic, choose Lightroom Classic > Preferences (macOS) or Edit > Preferences (Windows).
Select the Display tab and choose a monitor for the secondary window.

GPU Accelerated Editing for Lens Correction and Transform
Expanding on our GPU support, we have added full GPU acceleration for Lens Correction and Transform adjustments.

New Lightroom 9.1 menambahkan proses program dengan hardware dari spesifikasi Adobe.

 CC version 9.0 2020 OS Doest not meet the minimum Oktober 2020

Test Lightroom Classic v.9.0 dengan SSD - Fresh Install
Bila penguna Lightroom terkendala dengan kecepatan aplikasi, karena beban ratusan foto yang harus di edit.

Dapat mempertimgbangkan untuk meningkatkan performa computer dengan storage SSD.
Kemampuan kecepatan SSD untuk aplikasi editing Photoshop dan Lightroom.
Sistem boot dan aplikasi bekerja lebih cepat dibanding harddisk

Lightroom Classic CC 2019 8.4.1 (Sep 2019)


    Re-enabled GPU support for OpenGL based graphic cards/operating systems that can’t support Metal/DirectX.
    Lightroom Classic hangs during launch on macOS 10.14.6.
    (Mac only) Lightroom Classic crashes while accessing Map or Web modules.
    Photo count shows as zero in Folder panel for network drives (NAS).

Lightroom CC Classic 8 edisi September 2019

Versi Agustus 2019 ada 2 versi
Versi 7 Agustus 2019, tidak dapat di install seperti biasa. Lightroom Classic CC 8.4 Error - Sorry Installation Failed
Versi 8 Agustus 2019, dapat di install seperti biasa - Info
Versi pertama dirilis sebelum diumumkan oleh Adobe, versi terakhir di update akhir Agustus 2019
Info install Lightroom Error Sorry Installation Failed dapat dilihat di Youtube

Update minor, untuk mereka yang memiliki GPU Acceclerated Editing Lightroom Classic CC

    The option to export a file as a PNG using either Lightroom Classic or ACR
    “Significant improvements … to the Library module while browsing folders” should speed up Lightroom Classic even more.
    The ability to add color labels to collections
    The ability to batch merge images to create HDR, Panoramas, and HDR Panoramas
Info resmi sudah diumumkan dari website Adobe

Dehaze di Lightroom tersedia dari versi Lightroom 6.
Fitur ini baru diberikan nanti setelah versi Lightroom 6.0.1. Satu icon disebut Dehaze, fungsinya menghilangkan kabut pada sebuah foto. Termasuk hasil foto yang terkena cahaya matahari dan menganggu objek gambar dapat diperbaiki dengan Dehaze.
Seperti contoh pada hasil foto dibawah. Kiri adalah foto asli ketika mengambil gambar sebuah pohon tertutup kabut. Kabut tersebut dapat dihilangkan dengan Dehaze dari software Lightroom

Adobe Lightroom fitur baru Haze menghilangkan kabut

Mengunakan teknik Dehaze, foto dibawah ini dari atas Jakarta. Garis galaksi Bima Sakti akan terlihat dengan bantuan Dehaze.
Anda dapat mencoba mengunakan camera DSLR, letakan menghadap ke atas dengan kondisi langit cerah.
Fokus camera di salah satu cahaya bintang, setting ISO 6400 / 3200 dan durasi pengambilan gambar 25 - 30 detik.

Foto yang anda buat terlihat berwarna sangat putih karena mengunakan teknik long exposure, proses Dehaze akan memudahkan menampilkan gambar bintang di garis galaksi.

Bug Lightroom CC 6.7 dan 6.6

Bila anda ingin mencoba versi lebih rendah, kemungkinan mendapatkan masalah seperti Lightroom Hang, Freeze, Stop Working. Intinya tidak bekerja ketika Lightroom in Develop mode. Dan mengunakan VGA grafik model lama. Solusi Lightroom hang dapat diperbaiki dengan mematikan Grafik Accelerator

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Dari foto sampai gambar animasi, mengunakan beberapa format file. Merubah HEIC ke JPG. Apakah anda tahu perbedaan antara format file JPG PSD PNG TIFF dan GIF. Format file tersebut banyak digunakan untuk foto atau gambar di internet. Kelima format file dari JPG PSD PNG TIFF BMP dan GIF memiliki perbedaan tersendiri.

Dari media sosial dapat diberikan foto atau gambar. Dari Youtube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr memiliki ukuran tersendiri. Berapa ukuran optimal untuk foto yang ditempatkan di  media sosial tersebut, seperti dimensi yang digunakan masing masing ukuran foto media sosial. Bagian penting ukuran lebar dan panjang serta area yang di crop untuk foto di media sosial

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